
Exploring the human condition through art and philosophy

From my school days and for several decades after I was dedicated to photography, travel and the ocean. These three things provided me with a lifetime of experiences that I will be forever grateful for. This period also accounts for the majority of my photographic work.

Wanting to delve deeper into the world of art and gain a greater understanding of what it is to be human, I shifted away from my photographic career. This time away from photography allowed me to enter into a four year exploration of philosophy and art, and gain a dual degree in the process.

I am currently focusing my attention on exploring the human condition through drawing and painting. I am based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney where I start my days in the ocean, then spend the remainder of my time in the studio.

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Tracing my life’s trajectory to the art that I create today is best done through a timeline of events. My aim has always been to make art that sparks something in the viewer. Through my photographic career that ‘something’ was a sense of wonder, awe, responsibility or connection. More recently, it is a thought-provoking provocation about humanity. I therefore think that knowing a little about my experiences, travels, successes and hiccups, provides an understanding of my creative journey.